- The journal «Kazan state power engineering university bulletin» has a thematic focus and publishes articles on fundamental and applied energy problems.
- The journal prints results that were not previously published and not intended for simultaneous publication in other publications.
- The articles of the teaching staff of universities, candidates for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences, postgraduates and masters (in co-authorship with the supervisor) are accepted for publication.
- The author can publish in one issue of the journal no more than one article.
- Post-graduate fees are not charged for the publication of manuscripts.
- The fee is not paid to the authors.
- The manuscript is accompanied by:
• a cover letter from the organization in which the work was done;
• expert opinion on the possibility of publishing an article in the open press.
- The structure of the article should be as follows: UDC (top left); article title; initials and surname of the authors; the names of the institutions where the work was carried out, their location (city); abstract and keywords in Russian (abstract and keywords in English are placed in the following paragraph). Introduction; sections (paragraphs); conclusion; List of literature (no more than 20 sources). For experimental work, it is recommended to have in the article the highlighted parts: introduction, research methodology, main results, discussion of results, conclusions. Each article must end with conclusions that summarise the main results of the work, their significance for theory and practice.
Information about each author: surname, name, patronymic (completely); full name of the organization — place of work (study), its postal address; position held, academic degree; Email; specify with which of the authors (if there are several authors) to conduct correspondence or negotiations.
- The editorial board is provided in English: the title of the article; abstract and keywords; bibliography; full information about the authors.
- The volume of the manuscript of a scientific article should not exceed 10 pages, including drawings; articles in the heading «Toward the thesis justification» — 4 pages, including drawings; short messages — 2 pages.
- The manuscript must be carefully verified and signed by all authors.
- The manuscript of the article is submitted in two copies and by e-mail in Microsoft Word 2003. To reduce the probability of a failure in reading the data, it is desirable to make several copies of the files.
An electronic version of the manuscript of the article with a full set of documents can be sent by e-mail.
- When typing on a computer, you should follow the following rules for processing the manuscript:
• The text of the article is typed in Times New Roman font, size 10 pt with the interlaced interval «minimum 12pt» and is printed on one side of the standard (A4) sheet of white paper. The following field sizes should be set: from the top — 2 cm, from the bottom — 1.5 cm, from the left — 4.5 cm and on the right — 2.5 cm. On the «Paper Size» tab, select the «Other» option and set the sheet width to 21 cm, height of 25.5 cm. The indent of the first line should be strictly 1 cm.
• Between the numeric value of the value and its dimension, a non-breaking space character must be put. Distinguish the hyphen «-«, the minus sign «-«, and the dash «-«. Do not use word wraps. Do not use spaces to format text.
• All abbreviations, except for the generally accepted ones, are deciphered when they are first mentioned in the text of the article.
• Values of physical quantities are given in SI units or authorized for use on a par with them.
• Formulas are typed in standard font using the Microsoft Equation 3.0 formula editor, observing the sizes: plain text — 10 pt, large index — 9 pt, small index — 8 pt, large character — 16 pt, small symbol — 12 pt.
• Letters of the Latin alphabet (as in the main text) are typed in italics, the letters of the Greek and Russian alphabets in direct type. Mathematical symbols lim, lg, ln, arg, const, sin, cos, min, max, etc. typed in a direct font. The symbol must not merge with a character-by-character element.
• The length of the formulas should not exceed 10 cm. Large formulas must be divided into separate independent fragments.
• Numbering and punctuation should be placed separately from the formulas in plain text. Formulas referenced in the text are numbered at the right edge of the page with Arabic numerals in parentheses.
• Figures, the number of which should be logically justified, should have a joint extension with MS Word (picture MS Word, editors CorelDraw, Photoshop).
• Rules for the implementation of drawings: format — no more than 10×8 cm; thickness of lines: main — 2 points, auxiliary — 1 pt. For the designations in the drawing field, as well as for the captions, use the font Times New Roman, at least 9 pt in size. Drawings with a large number of details (complex diagrams, graphics) placed on the entire width of the page (14 cm).
• Photos should be clear, on glossy paper. The scanned photos are recorded in TIFF, JPEG, GIF files. Scan the image with a resolution of 300 dpi for contrasting black and white drawings and 600 dpi for halftone.
• Tables should be numbered, thematic headings and executed on separate sheets. The width of the table should not exceed 14 cm.
• Authors should avoid repeating the same data in the text, tables, and graphs. Only generally accepted abbreviations are accepted. The designations in the pictures must strictly correspond to the notations in the text.
• References to literary sources are numbered in the order of the text in Arabic numerals and are indicated in square brackets.
• The list of literature is printed on a separate sheet and is made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 «Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation «. References to unpublished communications (except for defended thesis) are not allowed. Foreign names are given in the text in Russian, and in the list of literature — in the original transcription.
- Returning the manuscript for revision does not mean that the article has already been accepted for publication. The revised version should be sent to the editorial office in duplicate together with its initial version, review and letter with answers to the comments of the reviewer.
- The revised version of the article is reviewed and reviewed by the editorial board again. The date of submission of the revised article is considered the date of submission.
- The decision of the editorial board to accept the article for publication or its rejection is reported to the authors.
- One separate reprint of their article is sent to the authors.
- If the authors do not comply with the Rules, the manuscripts are not accepted for consideration.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The manuscripts are accepted if has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
The materials should be prepared in a format OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or World Perfect.
Internet links are provided as a complete URL.
Text should be typed with an interval of one line spacing, font Times New Roman, 12 pt; to highlight the accents it is recommended to use italics rather than underlining (except Internet links). All images, graphics and tables are placed within the text according to the meaning of the particular part of text (and not at the end of the document).
Text should follow the stylistic and bibliography requirements as stated in Regulations located in the Part «About Us.»
Please, remove the authors’ names from the title of the article and other parts of the document to ensure the anonymity of reviewing.